Saturday, December 27, 2014

Book Review: Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov

I have been reading this book for weeks now.
Kenapa lama bgt? Karena Santi ngasihnya pas lg UAS. y e u.
And this book is so tempting that I read this in my recess between exams. lol.

Banyak yang aku pelajari dari buku ini. Santi said that this is her love bible. HAHA ((pantesan mantan Santi blm ada yg bisa move on sampe skrg dan masih aku-kamu an.))
Intinya sih...
This book teach you how to values yourself. It teaches you how  be "a bitch" instead of being "the nice girl".

 Poin yang gue suka adalah "a bitch" disini bukan typical bitch drama kayak di mean girls. Tp being a bitch adalah saat dimana lo memprioritaskan diri lo sendiri dan lo yakin kalo diri lo itu "worth it". Seems like egoistic, i know.
Cewek emang kadang suka bego kalo udh berurusan soal cinta. Kita suka lupa sama dirinya sendiri. Tapi disaat kita memikirkan diri kita, cowok bakal ngeliat kita bisa takes control of herself -- his arousal to protect us will increase. Gaktau sih. Itu yg gue tangkep dari buku.
Makanya kalo kadang quotes bilang abis putus terus perbaikin diri itu yaa kadang suka bener.

And my favorite part is... in the last few pages they collected all the quotes or they called it 'Attraction Principles' from the book.

"Instead of asking him to focus on you, focus on yourself"

So I will give this book 5 stars ★★★★★ and definitely also going to be my love bible haha.

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