Monday, April 27, 2009

swine flu

ini gue ketinggalan jaman parah deh baru tau beritanya
itu juga pas gue lagi nonton TV kabel terus ngeliat channel CNN dan FOX dan ABC
pertamanya sih pagi2 gue ngeliat papa nonton terus ga begitu tertarik
terus pas siang2nya gue mikir 'kok daritadi berita nya di CNN tentang ini mulu sih'
dah setelah gue tonton lebih lanjut..... disana tuh lagi heboh banget ya wow tentang SWINE FLU
itu katanya gabungan dari flu burung, flu babi, dan flu manusia (influenza).
Terus yang bikin parah kalo flu burung kan cm bisa nlar kalo kita contact langsung sama unggasnya, nah kalo swine flu itu nularnya dari udara kayak influenza jadi bahaya banget, terus makin mematikan gara2 ada virus dari flu babinya hiiiih dasar babi.

ohya tadi gue nyari di internet tentang swine flu and i found this

WASHINGTON - The world’s governments raced to avoid both a pandemic and global hysteria Sunday as more possible swine flu cases surfaced from Canada to New Zealand and the United States declared a public health emergency. “It’s not a time to panic,” the White House said.

Mexico, the outbreak’s epicenter with up to 103 suspected deaths, canceled some church services and closed markets and restaurants. Few people ventured onto the streets, and some wore face masks. Canada became the third country to confirm cases, in six people, including some students who — like some New York City spring-breakers — got mildly ill in Mexico. Countries across Asia promised to quarantine feverish travelers returning from flu-affected areas.

The U.S. declared the health emergency so it could ship roughly 12 million doses of flu-fighting medications from a federal stockpile to states in case they eventually need them — although, with 20 confirmed cases in five states recovering easily, they don’t appear to for now.

click for the source

okay be carefull, I wish William Beckett gakena penyakit ini ya, amin.

ps. kok gue jadi kalo nulis setiap akhir kalimat di enter sih? cuih

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